Frederick Hightower - Senior Pastor, Founder
For his first five years of his pastorate, Frederick Hightower served as pastor of Encouragers Fellowship Baptist Church in Huntington, West Virginia. After that, he founded the All Nations Revival Center, where he has been the senior pastor for the past 25 years. The All Nations Revival Center was previously known as the Temple of Faith Outreach then the name was changed to The All Nations Revival Center and relocated to Charleston, West Virginia.
The church resides in Charleston, WV and met faithfully at the Charleston Civic Center for a number of years. Thereafter, begin meeting at the Labelle Theater in South Charleston. For some time, the ministry has been active in outreach in the local community; for instance, pioneering church conferences, hosting a local radio and television program, prison ministry and so much more. The vision that God gave Pastor Hightower burned in his heart for years. God gave Pastor the architectural plans for the All Nations Revival Center Church which he drew in detail. The church is located right of I-64 in Institute, West Virginia. The church edifice is the most visible church in the area.
Pastor Hightower is an overseer of the All Nations Revival Center Outreach in Martinsburg, WV where Elder Todd Brown is the Pastor. Pastor Hightower is a man of many God given talents and gifts he plays the piano, the drums and he is a powerful preacher/teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been faithful in preaching the Word of God for over 35 years. He is also a gifted artist. He has had the honor of painting the portraits of some of the most prolific gospel ministers of our day. He has painted the mural in the back of the sanctuary that stretches about 85ft wide and more than 30ft high. It took him over a year to complete.